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Celestial Twin Life Mentorship Podcast



Celestial Twin Life Mentorship and Integration Blog - Search for the meaning of life - The Age of Awakening

The Time for Spiritual Awakening

We live in a time for Spiritual Awakening, the time to invite personal spirituality back to our lives. This is evident in mainstream popularity of meditation practices, vegetarianism, yoga, and new age spirituality. At a deeper level, there is also enthusiasm for the revival of ancient wisdom traditions, including shamanism and shamanic practices…

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Celestial Twin Life Mentorship and Integration Blog - Path to a meaningful life - Approaching Mindfulness and Clarity of Mind

Path to a Meaningful Life

Do you have a meaningful life, a high purpose to get you out of bed every morning, filled with energy to pursue it? When was the last time you experienced mindfulness, or felt true happiness without searching for its reason? If you imagine your life as an oil painting, you are creating, do you think you would be proud seeing it at the end?…

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